SIMC signs MOU with the Beijing Arbitration Commission/ Beijing International Arbitration Center (BAC/BIAC)

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SINGAPORE (October 15, 2019)—The Singapore International Mediation Centre on Tuesday, October 15, 2019, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Beijing Arbitration Commission/ Beijing International Arbitration Center (BAC/BIAC) to promote international mediation and facilitate hybrid dispute resolution processes between arbitration and mediation.

The partnership was inked at the 2019 Singapore Summit on Commercial Dispute Resolution in China, an event jointly organized by BAC/BIAC and the Singapore International Arbitration Centre.

The MOU was signed by Dr Fuyong Chen, Deputy Secretary-General of BAC/BIAC, and Ms Ng Chai Ngee, SIMC Board Director on behalf of each side respectively. The signing was witnessed by Mr Zhang Xumin, Chargé d’Affaires ad interim of the Chinese Embassy in Singapore and Ms Gloria Lim, Director, Legal Industry Division, Singapore Ministry of Law.

Dr Fuyong Chen (left), Deputy Secretary-General of BAC/BIAC, and Ms Ng Chai Ngee, SIMC Board Director signed a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of their respective organizations on October 15, 2019. Image credit: BAC/BIAC.

Under terms of the MOU, BAC/BIAC and SIMC will work together to jointly promote international mediation by co-organizing conferences, seminars and workshops. They will also co-host capacity building programs to cultivate new talent in mediation. Both parties will also strengthen cooperation in areas of case management and knowledge sharing.

Dr Chen pointed out, “With the diversified development of alternative dispute resolution, especially the open-signing of the Singapore Convention, commercial mediation has become the focus of the dispute resolution community. Signing the MOU between BAC/BIAC and SIMC will start a new journey of cooperation between the two institutions, which will provide parties around the world with comprehensive and high-quality alternative dispute resolution services.”

Ms Ng said “SIMC is very happy to sign the MOU with BAC/BIAC, and collaborate in various areas. SIMC and BAC/BIAC will co-promote the development of international mediation. We will also work together to provide better and targeted services to clients in China, Singapore and other jurisdictions.”