Legal 500 Asia Pacific Disputes Summit: ADR in the next 10 years

Posted in Insights

With an array of alternative dispute resolution options, the market is spoilt for choices. The question is: Should it be #mediation, #arbitration or #litigation? Perhaps a combination, or what is commonly known as hybrid dispute resolution processes.

A 2018 Queen Mary survey suggests that when it comes to cross-border disputes, 60% of in-house counsel prefer arbitration and other ADR; versus 32% who prefer international arbitration as a stand-alone mechanism.

At the Legal 500 Asia Pacific Disputes Summit this week, SIMC Chairman George Lim was on a panel to introduce Singapore as a disputes hub, expound on the different approaches for dispute resolution and how well the industry is prepared to meet the rising road. One key takeaway from the session is to think out of the (adversarial) box and take on a problem-solving approach for settling the matter.

We thank Legal 500 for the invitation to share our work and offer end-users a chance to engage with Singapore’s centres for alternative dispute resolution.

All images: Legal 500