Improving service delivery in healthcare

Posted in Insights

The growth of medical litigation worldwide has increased healthcare costs and is becoming one of the leading causes of young doctors leaving the profession. Some drivers of this trend in China and Singapore include a more well-read population and greater access to legal advice. More complex illnesses, aging populations, and a higher demand for medical facilities have also led to tensions between patient, caregiver and doctor.

SIMC hosted the Changsha Health Commission as part of a study exchange programme in Singapore this month to explore how disagreements with patients and family members could be de-escalated.

A few problem-solving techniques included a tailored mediation process that balanced the patient’s interests with those of the medical practitioners and appreciating the communication limitations of individuals who may have been physically or psychologically wounded by the incident. We hope this will help participants create a more pleasant work environment for their peers and inspire improved service delivery and outcomes for their patients.