An Important Update: India-Singapore Mediation Summit rescheduled to 17 July 2021

Posted in Insights

The India-Singapore Mediation Summit has been rescheduled to 17 July 2021, 1030am IST / 1pm SGT. 

After extensive consideration and consultations with our stakeholders and partners, we are constrained to take the difficult, but necessary decision to reschedule the event. 

While postponing the event was a difficult decision to make, we have done so in the light of the surge in Covid-19 cases across India and the resultant impact.  Our hearts go out to everyone who has been affected by this outbreak.

We look forward to meeting you at the Summit in better circumstances. You do not need to re-register for the event. Further details will be shared over email.

Feel free to reach out to us at For more information, please go to

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

*Updated aa 14 May 2021

Mark your calendars! The inaugural India-Singapore Mediation Summit (ISMS) kicks off with the theme: “Making Mediation Mainstream: Reflections from India and Singapore”.

The landmark event on 20 May 2021 will see unprecedented participation from the highest levels of both countries to discuss an increasingly important mechanism to resolve the disputes of our time – mediation.

Highlights include keynote addresses by Honourable Mr Justice N.V. Ramana, Chief Justice of India-Designate and The Honourable the Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon, Chief Justice of Singapore. This is thought to be the first time that the heads of the judiciary of both countries are Joint Guests of Honour for an event – making this a milestone occasion.

Apart from judicial perspectives, senior Government officials will attend. Capping the inaugural summit is a high-powered fireside chat to discuss, among other topics, what is needed for mediation to enter its golden era. The discussion draws in distinguished panellists from both countries, with the audience able to pose questions during the Q&A session.

Whether you are from the public or private sector, you will benefit from attending the inaugural summit, which will train the spotlight on the latest developments in mediation, explain mediation’s relevance in the context of India and Singapore and explore its utility for businesses facing the risks of disputes, especially cross-border conflicts.

This event is organised by the Singapore International Mediation Centre, in strategic partnership with CAMP Arbitration and Mediation Services, and Mediation Mantras.

For more information: